so here we are... again

     Who would have thought we come this far? I have been thinking in starting this blog again lately. I'm not sure what to post and what will be interesting to do myself.

    After the pandemic, there were lot of things that are nice to write about as short blog entry. Tidbits. Maybe less than 500 words. I will write short pieces to make it more readable or digestible for anyone who is interested to read.

    Most of us did suffer existential crisis during the pandemic. I felt the greatest fear of my life. I was afraid that I might catch Covid19 and die alone. Have you felt the same? 

    I'd been living alone for most of my adulthood. Yea, I never thought of getting extra baggage like having a relationship or two. But I don't.

    I'm a fur parent and certified plant lover. It came about during the pandemic that I got into plants. 

    I was a fur parent to Milo. He was pure breed male mini-pinscher. He was my companion for over 16 years. Then, I rescued a kitten way back in 2013 and now it seem like it got out of hand. I have too many cats at home. 

    I used to organize events way back 2014. I was putting together group activities like hiking, beach camping, out of town trips, and social dinner for the group that I belong to. It was until 2018.

    I like to share them here onward.