how am i lately?

i am pretty much okay over all (lols)... 

the pandemic is officially two years in a  few weeks from now. it was officially cited by the united nation in december of 2019 as worldwide pandemic but there were few cases already in wuhan a few weeks before that. 

it is a known fact that covid19 will not disappear anytime soon so we need to learn how to live with it as the new normal but cautiously now and onwards. 

i never get infected so far but i'm very much affected by it directly. some people i know got infected and few died. i saw on fb newsfeed some friends tested positive and some lost their loved ones to the disease.

the past two years were challenging in every life's facet - personal, career, family, health, and spiritual 

i always felt that everyday the past two years were just days trying to survive and to hope for the best that each day will turn out well. 

nevertheless, i'd been an spiritual person since i was young. probably losing a father at a young age and trying to piece together the confusion of losing a family member, the sadness i didn't know how to voice out because no words to define it. that grief led me to read the bible. just to seek solace and answer. it made me sadder yet it gave me hope.