covid19 to me...

how are you doing in this time of pandemic?

first of all, hope we are all well and surviving this pandemic in god's grace. i never expected the impact of this pandemic to my life would be really great. i lost my job and source of income at the onset of the community quarantine. i relied on other people's help and my meager savings to weather the few months into the pandemic. i was uncertain what the future would bring. 

covid19 brought so many changes to our lives from the way we socialize to the manner of how we work. the virus changed the landscape of our society - no gatherings, standing a meter away from the other person in public and common spaces, wearing face mask and face shield for protection, etc. working from home became the norm. though i'd been working from home for almost seven years already, i'd never seen this situation where almost all the people i know were force to work at home due to covid19.

new normal 

i lost my job and can't find one for over six months. it is a new experience to me. i normally get an offer within few days of resigning from previous work. maybe it's because we are now in a crisis.

what matters 

after a few months staying at home, my outlook somewhat changed. 

- i only need few things to survive if ever this pandemic last for a longer time. 

- having a few good friends is an advantage. less people to worry about when this pandemic get worse. lols 

- family is still a family. they will be there for you or they won't but i'm happy that everyone is doing fine.

- an attitude of gratitude for all the blessings big or small. mostly small things like waking up in the morning, seeing the sun rays peak through my window brings hope that today will be okay.

- getting and asking for help from friends, and siblings. i think i'm not used to receiving help from other people. it hurts my pride to ask because i know i can always take care of my keep. this pandemic drastically change that. family and friends offered help that i accepted gratefully. 

i have so many on my list to write. these are just few that helped me cope during this covid19 time.